Biography: Changing Career Paths

I decided to make my portfolio for this class based on motivational and inspirational stories that can be found in Indian Epics because I think storytelling is one of the best ways to learn and move on. Therefore, this week, I wanted to share a story of my own.

Throughout undergrad, I pursued a pre-med major and did EVERYTHING I thought I needed to do to get into medical school. It is getting so competitive nowadays that only good grades and a solid MCAT do not cut it. I got super involved in various campus organizations and in the community, volunteering with many different organizations. However, as I was doing all this, I could feel my heart was not in it. I was just doing it because it was a good career path to pursue with solid outcomes in the end. I went as far as doing a committee interview with the pre-med advisors and signing up (and spending a semester studying) for the MCAT. However, last summer I had the opportunity to intern with a program in Tulsa that was a prison diversion program for women who had drug-related offenses. I think that was a big turning point for me because I really found my passion for helping these women and seeing the impact that our actions were making on their lives. None of these women were bad people, they were just brought up in circumstances where drugs and crime was the only way to survive. Most did not come from a stable household and didn't have people in their life that could support them. It not only opened my eyes to a different part of my community but I got a better feel for what I wanna do.

SO... 2 weeks before taking the MCAT, I decided that I did not wanna go to medical school, but rather go to law school and change my entire career path. It was a big decision for me to make because it not only affected me but everyone who poured into me and supported my journey to med school. For the first couple of months, my parents thought I was just stressed and did not even take me seriously lol. But I think it was affirming in myself that I needed to do what I had a passion for and what would give my life fulfillment that allowed me to drop something I had dedicated so much time too. But I guess everything works out in the end and that is the lesson I wanna end with. Never be afraid to try something new and if you enjoy it, go for it! Everything will fall into place.

(Had to take a "last day on the job" picture! personal photo, no link) 

P.S. if you're wondering, I did get into law school and can't wait to start this fall!

Authors Note: Since my portfolio is about inspiration, I thought it might be fun to share a story of my own. This last year has been so many ups and downs but I am grateful to have finally found my path. For writing style, I chose first person becuase I was writing from personal experience. 


  1. Hi Amandeep!!
    This story is so amazing! I might write a story of my own like this! I am on the pre-med path right now, and it has been amazing but definitely a journey where I found myself, too. Even though my destination wasn't really like yours, I feel like I really learned about what my goals in life are. I am glad you really got the full goal of college and found your true dreams! Hopefully, graduation for us won't get too pushed back and we can celebrate all we learned in college.

  2. Amandeep!!!

    This is AWESOME!! Your story is so inspiring, I am so glad you are following your heart. It is so great to hear that working at the prison diversion program led you to want to help better your community and study law. I think it's amazing that you studied all semester for the MCAT and then decided to take the law exam instead and still did amazing on it! What are your study techniques girl?! lol You should feel so proud of yourself! You are outstanding!


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