Time management is extremely important to me and although I got behind this week, I plan on staying on top of my assignments from here on out! I am an avid list maker so the first article I read was How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented by Lauren Marchese. I liked that Marchese used the acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound) to discuss the best way to make lists that are functional and practical. When I make lists, I try to write down work as it is given to me and I also write down due dates. This allows me to see exactly how much work is due on what day so I am able to manage my time leading up to when the work is to be done. One thing I do is include all my work on one "to-do" list instead of making separate ones for school, work, and extracurriculars. I find that having one list allows me to stay on track better, much like the way Marchese mentions. For me, my reward for completing tasks on my todo list is the checkmarks I give myself when a task is complete.
(For me this image represents how time moves when you are running late on submitting an assignment- image provided by pxfuel)
In order to follow through on my commitment to resist procrastination this semester, the second article I read was How to Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb. I liked the way Webb explained procrastination in the way our brain processes a future upside for the work we are doing now. Like any second semester senior, I am sure I'll get sucked into the cycle of procrastination, but Webb gave helpful tips on ways to delay this for the longest time possible. I am hoping I can pull through this class (and semester) in a time manageable way!
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