Week 8 Progress

Looking back, I am not exactly where I would hope to be at this point in the semester but I am confident I can bring my grade back to where I want it! There were a couple of weeks when I got super behind on my online homework because of midterms and other school activities, but I am hoping to use spring break to get caught up with everything I am behind on! That is definitely one of my favorite thing about the structure of this class. It allows students to work at their own pace and not have to worry about grades as much. I am sure while I am getting caught up, I will also get to catch up on the missed curriculum, not just the points! I am not a tech-savvy person, but developing the blog and website was a lot easier then I had imagined. My favorite assignments so far have been the readings and doing the blog commenting. The readings are essential to this class and really upon up a new cultural standpoint! I also love commenting on my fellow classmate's blogs and hearing about their point of view!

(Looking forward to the second half of the semester, I want to aim to be a better writer and better at time management then I was the first half. Image provided by Pixabay)

Looking forward, I want to stay on top of my assignments for the rest of the semester (if not, actually be ahead!). I already know that the last week of March will be heavy with midterms, so I am planning on getting a lot done during spring break so I don't have to worry about it later! In terms of my writing, I think my content is good, but I want to make sure the grammar and spelling are also well done so that is what I will be focusing on. Although I like the layout of my website and blog, I think I will be adding more pictures to my website to make it more creative and engaging.
