Biography: My (super funny) Earliest Childhood Memory

I think my earliest childhood memory is a pretty funny one and since it is from India and about a monkey, I think you all may enjoy it! 

So when I was younger and we were in India to visit family, my parents and some other people decided to take a trip to Shimla. Shimla is basically the Colorado of India, it’s the only place that has snow (at least I know of) and it’s a tourist destination for locals. It is mostly mountains and has lots of wooded areas. Now I was probably about 5 years old and I remember this distinctly... but as I was trying to climb back into our car, I threw my shoes on the ground. Out of nowhere a monkey comes by and grabs my shoes and runs away. As a typical five-year-old, I start crying. First, because he stole my shoes, but also because it was a MONKEY!! I had never seen one before and I was so scared of it!! My dad actually took a picture of me crying during the scene (they all thought it was very funny) and I wanted to include it in this post, but I couldn’t find it. But yes, that is my first childhood memory and since it was extreme and caused a lot of internal panic for five-year-old Amandeep, I remember it quite vividly. 

Authors Note: I just finished reading the Eastern Stories and Legends and a lot of the stories featured monkeys. So when I saw that one of the options for the biological writings is to do a story on our fist memory, I thought this was so fitting! It was truly an interesting experience, even though it lasted only a couple of minutes. For writing style, I used the first-person point of view since I was telling a personal story.  

(Shimla is a popular tourist city in India and comparable to Denver, CO since most people go there for the snow, image provided by Wikipedia)
